Sunday, June 7, 2009

Cincinnati weekend

Ivan and I just returned from a weekend trip to Cincinnati. We took the girls and Preston along. The girls and I went to see Taylor Swift and Keith Urban in concert on Friday night, and we all went to the Cincinnati Zoo on Saturday. We also stopped briefly at Bernheim Forest on the way back to Princeton to give the kids a chance to burn off some energy.

The trip went well, but I am glad I am only the mother of one! Not that the girls weren't good - they were great! Three is just three times the work! Catlin and Hannah are awesome cousins and definitely enteretained Preston well this weekend. He loves them and I am so thankful for the relationship they have!

The first picture is of the kids waiting to eat on Friday night. Preston was less than thrilled about having to be still for more than half a second. The next picture is of all three kids at the zoo. The third picture is of Hannah reading a bedtime story to Preston. As you can see, that girl never misses an opportunity to pose! The fourth picture is of the girls at the concert, and the last picture is of the girls at the Canopy Walk at Bernheim Forest. Hannah asked if she could bungee jump the 75 feet to the ground!